- Happy birthday to me! I can't believe next year I will be the big 3-0. Part of me is relieved to be 30 aka things will finally make sense/fall into place while the other part is screaming 30, you old fart lol Enough with being 30, let's enjoy 29 for now.
- I also share my birthday with my dad & my mom's birthday is on the 26th. Lots of celebrating in the month of January.
- One of my new years resolution is to grow the blog. I'm taking steps to enhancing this site, such as adding a Pinterest button and adding Disqus commenting system which I find is more easier than Blogger.
- Another enhancement? My graphic design services website, {edesignologie}. New year=new look. :)
- I had a dream last night that I was back in school. Made me realize how my personality (not sure how to label that?) has changed since I graduated. I was always on the go and involved in a ton of things in school. I miss that and want to change that.
- At 22 I was fearless and naive, thinking I could change the world and heal broken hearts. Turns out naiveness got the best of me. For a very long time I thought I failed and this failure led me to feel unworthy/undeserving of anything, (though I never could openly admit it until now). Meeting my husband started to change that, loving & accepting myself has made me finally realize that I didn't fail and I am not a failure or undeserving. There are a lot of people who love me and I shouldn't base my worth/confidence on one person's opinion.
- With that being said, fear doesn't lead you anywhere, except for a big black hole of doubt. Trust me.
- I am wearing tons of layers today thinking it would be cold, umm it's suppose to be 56 degrees out, oops.
- I want to change up my hair, I was thinking teal tips ala take the cannoli. My mom & husband think I've gone nuts or emo.
- There is no such thing as perfection.
- Thank you Kardashian sisters for helping to realize that curves are beautiful & sexy.
- I feel incredibly blessed to have a loving husband & supportive family & friends. If you've got that then everything else is a bonus.
- I'm getting puppy fever thanks to my fur nephew. I found the adorable little female westie, Gabby. Fluffy white puppies melt my heart.
- Speaking of babies, I secretly can't wait to be pregnant. I've already decided I am parading around in a bikini every day. Labor and what happens afterwards scares the bejezus out of me.
Hockey season is back. There's a Pens game tonight one of the best ways to celebrate.- Ever feel like donating everything in your closet & start from scratch? I've been feeling that lately though its hard to get rid of.
- Style crushes: Kourtney Kardashian, Nicole Richie, Rachel, Lily, & Casey.
- Passions: being creative, fashion, graphic design, a good cup of coffee, traveling, & dark chocolate.
- Wednesday is by far my favorite blog reading day because you have What I Wore Wednesday @ The Pleated Poppy and What I Ate Wednesday @ Peas and Crayons. This is probably my least productive day. ;)
- I love making lists...with paper & pen. Nothing like crossing things off to make you feel productive.
- If I won the lottery, one of the things I would spend it on would be getting my Masters/PhD in Rhetoric.
- A new vegetable love, tomatillos. A little sour but oh so good!
- I received some disappointing news today regarding a project I was working on. Last year I would have let self doubt beret and rule me. This year, no big deal. I'm a little sad but life is full of endless possibilities!
To be continued..... (Actually I keep adding to this list since it sort of a random reflection of things and I haven't reach 29 yet. ;))
Linking up with Katie & Jena for This 'n That Thursday.
Linking up with Katie & Jena for This 'n That Thursday.

aww happy birthday dear!! :) i hope you have the best day. you deserve it!!
ReplyDeleteThe DayLee Journal
$50 KooDeKer Boutique Giveaway
Thank you Marsa, you're a sweetheart! <3
ReplyDeleteloved your posts! ps. Happy belated Birthday! we should follow eachother! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Erin! Love the name, great minds think alike. ;) Following you on GFC, have a great day! :)