- Twenty-something newlywed from Pittsburgh. My husband proposed to me in Hong Kong.
- I was adopted from South Korea.
- I own my own graphic & web page design company, {edesignologie}.
- I'm shy at first but once you get to know me the shyness goes away.
- I have a fur nephew named Kasper. I sometimes refer to him as a Westie Terror.
- I think that bargain shopping is a sport.
- Hockey is the only sport I watch, my parents introduced the sport to me when I was little.
- I love to travel but also enjoy being a homebody.
- I love the taste of coffee, I'm quite a snob about how I make it too.
- I could spend a whole afternoon at Trader Joe's and a whole day at Whole Foods looking at all the different products.
- I do not like talking on the phone...I would rather talk to you in person instead.
- I may have a small obsession with stripes.
im with ya on the coffee and stripes!
How fun to "meet" another recent newlywed / Korean adoptee from Pittsburgh! Looking forward to reading your posts :)