Tuesday, January 29, 2013

29 Things

  1. Happy birthday to me!  I can't believe next year I will be the big 3-0.  Part of me is relieved to be 30 aka things will finally make sense/fall into place while the other part is screaming 30, you old fart lol Enough with being 30, let's enjoy 29 for now.
  2. I also share my birthday with my dad & my mom's birthday is on the 26th. Lots of celebrating in the month of January.
  3. One of my new years resolution is to grow the blog.  I'm taking steps to enhancing this site, such as adding a Pinterest button and adding Disqus commenting system which I find is more easier than Blogger.
  4. Another enhancement?  My graphic design services website, {edesignologie}.  New year=new look.  :)
  5. I had a dream last night that I was back in school.  Made me realize how my personality (not sure how to label that?) has changed since I graduated.  I was always on the go and involved in a ton of things in school.  I miss that and want to change that.
  6. At 22 I was fearless and naive, thinking I could change the world and heal broken hearts. Turns out naiveness got the best of me.  For a very long time I thought I failed and this failure led me to feel unworthy/undeserving of anything, (though I never could openly admit it until now).  Meeting my husband started to change that, loving & accepting myself has made me finally realize that I didn't fail and I am not a failure or undeserving.  There are a lot of people who love me and I shouldn't base my worth/confidence on one person's opinion.
  7. With that being said, fear doesn't lead you anywhere, except for a big black hole of doubt.  Trust me.
  8.  I am wearing tons of layers today thinking it would be cold, umm it's suppose to be 56 degrees out, oops.
  9. I want to change up my hair, I was thinking teal tips ala take the cannoli. My mom & husband think I've gone nuts or emo.
  10. There is no such thing as perfection.
  11. Thank you Kardashian sisters for helping to realize that curves are beautiful & sexy.
  12. I feel incredibly blessed to have a loving husband & supportive family & friends.  If you've got that then everything else is a bonus.
  13. I'm getting puppy fever thanks to my fur nephew.  I found the adorable little female westie, Gabby. Fluffy white puppies melt my heart.  
  14. Speaking of babies, I secretly can't wait to be pregnant.  I've already decided I am parading around in a bikini every day.  Labor and what happens afterwards scares the bejezus out of me.  
  15. Hockey season is back. There's a Pens game tonight one of the best ways to celebrate. 
  16. Ever feel like donating everything in your closet & start from scratch?  I've been feeling that lately though its hard to get rid of.
  17. Style crushes: Kourtney Kardashian, Nicole Richie, RachelLily, & Casey.
  18. Passions: being creative, fashion, graphic design, a good cup of coffee, traveling, & dark chocolate.
  19. Wednesday is by far my favorite blog reading day because you have What I Wore Wednesday @ The Pleated Poppy and What I Ate Wednesday @ Peas and Crayons.  This is probably my least productive day. ;)
  20. I love making lists...with paper & pen.  Nothing like crossing things off to make you feel productive. 
  21. If I won the lottery, one of the things I would spend it on would be getting my Masters/PhD in Rhetoric.
  22. A new vegetable love, tomatillos.  A little sour but oh so good!
  23. I received some disappointing news today regarding a project I was working on.  Last year I would have let self doubt beret and rule me.  This year, no big deal.  I'm a little sad but life is full of endless possibilities!
To be continued..... (Actually I keep adding to this list since it sort of a random reflection of things and I haven't reach 29 yet. ;))

Linking up with Katie & Jena for This 'n That Thursday.

Katie Did What


  1. aww happy birthday dear!! :) i hope you have the best day. you deserve it!!

    The DayLee Journal
    $50 KooDeKer Boutique Giveaway

  2. Thank you Marsa, you're a sweetheart! <3

  3. loved your posts! ps. Happy belated Birthday! we should follow eachother! xoxo

  4. theblondelatte.blogspot.com

  5. Hi Erin! Love the name, great minds think alike. ;) Following you on GFC, have a great day! :)
