Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Steals

I consider myself a decent bargain shopper. I dislike to paying full price for clothing because it's clothing, you know? I especially try to get basics on sale because they're mainly used for practical purposes only. Well this past week with all the holiday sales and stuff some things were too good to pass up. I got two of the Madewell white tanks for $5.60 apiece. I've had my eye on the Lauren Conrad Bird Bracelet for the longest time and was rewarded for my patience and got it for $5.48. The AE boots where bought on a whim, my I love this "trendy" item reasoning came in. The button detailing and color is what hooked me and with a price of $29.70 I couldn't resist. These may or may not go back, considering I have 4 pairs of boots already. We'll see. ;)
My Holiday Steals

In total I saved $55.12 and scored free shipping on everything. Have you gotten any good bargains with all the sales going on?

1 comment:

  1. Great job!

    I love that bracelet & those boots! And you can never go wrong with $5 tanks!

    I haven't gotten any good deals, but I haven't really been looking! After seeing your steals though, I may have to reavaluate that! = )
